Writing with the Ancestors

It has been a difficult few months for all of us who are in shock and sadness missing our dear friend and mentor, the beautiful soul Laurel. It has taken me until now to decide to continue a sacred writing space for anyone interested. Writing with the Ancestors, allows us to continue in our shared writing space as I am sure she would want.

All Circles are Sacred. “Writing with the Ancestors” offers a unique and spiritual journey into the heart of storytelling, inviting writers of all levels to explore the depths of their creativity within a nurturing and sacred community. The space created within “Writing with the Ancestors” is more than just physical. It is a realm of mutual respect, encouragement, and inspiration, where writers are supported to explore their ideas freely and deeply. The sacred atmosphere is designed to foster a sense of connection not only to one’s own inner voice but also to the communal spirit of storytelling that transcends time and place. This environment is essential for creativity to flourish, offering a sense of belonging and understanding that can be hard to find. Participants are encouraged to tap into the collective memory and wisdom of their lineage, finding inspiration and guidance as they craft stories, books, poems or songs that have been waiting within them for the right moment to emerge.

The Sacred Circle is a four week commitment with only five participants giving everyone ample time to share their work and receive valuable feedback. Sign up now spots are limited. 

Suggested donation is $100 for four weeks, no one will be turned away for inability to donate and lesser donations are accepted. All genders welcomed. Sign up by emailing: [email protected] or call to reserve a space at 909 660-0092.

Donations may be Zelled or sent by PayPal.

Circles will start in July. Choose the day you will be attending:

  • Wednesdays starting July 3rd from 9:00 am to 10:30 am
  • Thursdays starting July 11th from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
  • Fridays starting July 12th from 9:00 am to 10:30 am

Sending much love and good vibrations, love & light, 

Yvonne G Zaher